Party on the Plaza Announced for U.S. Bank Stadium beginning Thursday, May 18.
Friday | May 12, 2017

What: Party on the Plaza
Dates: Thursday, May 18 – Tim Mahoney
Thursday, May 25 – Chris Hawkey
Thursday, June 1 – Kat Perkins
Thursday, June 8 – G.B. Leighton
Time: 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: U.S. Bank Stadium’s Downtown East Plaza
425 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Admission: FREE – No Ticket Purchase Necessary
Party on the Plaza Announced for U.S. Bank Stadium beginning Thursday, May 18.
Live music on the Downtown East Plaza Thursday Nights from May 18 – June 8.
Minneapolis, MN (May 12, 2017) – U.S. Bank Stadium will be hosting a free, outdoor concert series on Thursday nights from May 18 – June 8 on the Downtown East Plaza, located one block west of U.S. Bank Stadium. These free events are for all ages and will feature food and beverage specials, live music, lawn games and more. Headliners for Party on the Plaza include Tim Mahoney (May 18), Chris Hawkey (May 25), Kat Perkins (June 1), and G.B. Leighton (June 8).
“We’re excited to be hosting these neighborhood events. Enjoy local live music, lawn games, food and beverages with your friends,” says Patrick Talty, General Manager for SMG at U.S. Bank Stadium. “Free and open to all ages, these family friendly events are activities you won’t want to miss! We look forward to seeing our neighbors on the Downtown East Plaza on Thursday nights.”